Monday, 22 June 2009

Back to 'Normal' Around Here

Whatever normal is. At my house it looks an awful lot like crazy Monday.

  • Mum's gone back to her neck of the woods.

  • I've restarted night toilet training for Princess, now that she's 4 I've decided she really should be able to get the hang of it. So far one dry night, one not so dry. And it's raining like I live in England or something, making drying sheets a bit of a chore.

  • Hubby's done something critical to his shoulder--an old football injury acting up again. Can barely move it, the poor possum. What good's a man who can't do chores, I ask you?

  • The girls are in daycare today, Cherub is getting aclimated for my impending return to work.

  • I have to go to the gym or those new size 12 jeans are gonna split in half. A week with my mother that included a lolly covered party cake and a trip to Sizzler did serious damage to the diet.

  • As per above, have not weighed myself today. Simply refuse be be further depressed.

  • Have received first round of edits for Sunset Knight. Can't wait to get stuck in.

  • Have a rapidly fermenting idea for next story which might actually stick. I hope.

Now it's off to the gym for penance.


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