Thursday 23 September 2010

Spring Cleaning

I don't really do the whole spring cleaning thing. I'm invariably seized by fits of sneezing and watery eyes anyway, the last thing I want to do is stir up more dust. But my mother has come to stay this week in order to do her Grandma thing (kidlets are adoring the extra attention and I'm sneaking off to do writer related stuff mid morning! Luxury!). While she's here she's twisted my arm, practically forced me to let her buy me a new fridge. I did protest, really, but my mother in a determined mood is nothing to sneeze at (pun pun pun). So off we trekked to the shops and ordered the white good, which is arriving today. I've been defrosting the nearly 40 year old fridge (no word of a lie, I remember our current fridge from when I was little) in preparation for the nice delivery man to arrive with the new one. FROST FREE variety, so I won't have to chip away at the ice that builds up in the freezer every time I can't close it, which is about once a week. Hooray. I won't know myself. Whatever will I do???

Oh right. Everything else.

I'm also blogging over at the Romantix today, haven't decided what about yet. Come on over and be as surprised as I am. There's some promo stuff afoot too, so keep an eye on the blog over the next day or so, cause there will be prizes and fun happening.


PS I went with Pen Envy

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