Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Wednesday Wisdom

Writerly wisdom from RWA's Melbourne conference that I read and am trying to take on board (paraphrased).

99% of success is habit. If your habits aren't achieving your goals for you, change them (Bob Mayer).

Have changed my writing time from night until morning, which means getting up at 4:30 during the week. Yikes! But so far I've gotten twice as much done in a week than I was getting done, and I'm less stressed at night. Going to bed super early, but stress free. So yay.

Don't judge yourself by what others are writing, and don't feel pressured to write more than you're capable of (Marion Lennox)

I sell what I sell, and others sell what they sell. I write, and probably always will write, fewer books than some others. I will no longer use this as an excuse to beat myself up for how 'slow' I am. I write the books I love and I dedicate myself to them fully, and that's what I want to do with the time I spend writing. So I'm living my dream, no one else's.

The best thing you can do for promotion is turn off social media and write a good book (Bob Mayer again)

I've heard it before, but it's good to remind myself every now and then. The twitterverse won't actually miss me if I'm not there :).

Am repeating these three points like mantras in my head at the moment. So what do you say to yourself to keep the weird screamy voices from getting you down?



  1. I miss ya when your not around Sami xoxox but I know I will see you around every now and then. happy to hear the new time is working so well for you.

  2. Thanks Dawn :) there have certainly been fewer late night twitter sessions from me recently.
