Sunday, 7 March 2010

Just for the Hell of it

I've done a little revamp of the website. Nothing dramatic or flash, but a little alteration of the colour scheme. I've also added a couple of extra pages--a free read and a deleted scene from Sunset Knight, for anyone who feels like getting it on with Brody again.. I mean reading another love scene involving the big 'B', he he. You can find the links on the books page. I'd love for you to pop over and take a look, then comment and tell me what you think. I'm not yet married to the colours and may consider changing it all back.

Hope you're enjoying your Sunday. I for one have now had two glasses of fuckit--ah, I mean chardonnay, and now I'm feeling very relaxed and totally incapable of anything useful. Ah, this is the life. Now I'm going to watch Colin Firth on 60 minutes and dream...



  1. Love the new look Sami, it seems much clearer. Hope all things are going well,

    Suz :)

  2. Looks good, Sami. Love the deleted scenes link.
