Sunday 26 December 2010

Two Days or Two Weeks?

The last time I had my WIP open was two days ago. Thursday 23rd, when I got some good words down and felt that it was all flowing pretty well. I'd written past Chapter 3's problems and was on Chapter 5 rewrites.

I had my two days off for Christmas and have come back on Boxing Day feeling as rusty as if I've been away from the ms for weeks. I guess that advice about writing every day is on the money, but seriously, I wasn't going to write Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Being Santa is a busy enough past time.

The reading has been fun though. I've discovered Tina Wainscott's suspense novels and thoroughly enjoyed Until the Day You Die. I felt like something violent and scary at Christmas, coz I'm odd I suppose. Digression: Does anyone else remember Tina Wainscott writing rom-com for Harlequin Temptation back in the nineties? There's nothing on her website about that but I'm sure I don't have the name wrong. Damn my 'toss it out if it's old attitude', or else I'd probably have those old harlequins still!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas. I'm going to try and find my warm spot in the cave again and get this ms rolling once more over the next couple of days. Lord knows, the cricket's not worth watching unless you're English!

Happy writing (and reading), over the break to all,


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