Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

38 today, 38 today... Why was she born so beautiful...

Have been promised takeaway tonight, no cooking for me, yay!

Have recieved an edited blurb for Sunset Knight, so things moving along. Eagerly awaiting the cover now... I want a cover!

Have managed three paragraphs on new story. Am thoroughly exhausted and looking for distractions--hence my presence on the blog.

Have already taken sick day on first week of work, on behalf of Cherub who needs to attend doctor's office, due to horrible cough and general malaise. Assess myself as model employee.

Have come down with flu that has been plaguing the rest of the family. Can't believe it took this long.

Happy birthday to me!


  1. lol I didn't think that comment would work as I tried to post a few days ago and it wouldn't let me.
    I hope you had a great day. Your catching up to me btw. lol lol... :)

  2. Okay, so I'm a day late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


    Huh, a spring chicken compared to those of us turning 40 this year.

    Hope you got lots of lovely pressies, and were spoiled rotten.
    (Oh, and sorry about the flu.)


  3. Happy Birthday Sami!! Welcome to the world of 38! I hope you had a wonderful day.


  4. Happy belated Birthday wishes Sami. Hope you had a great day!
