Monday, 12 October 2009

Not Writing, Blogging

Hubby is away for another 3 week stint in the bush and I thought I'd take the opportunity to spend evenings doing some uninterrupted writing. Ahem. Day one of the campaign and I already sense myself reneging. Mondays are so exhausting and I just had a bourbon and coke, not the best way to prepare for work. Not to mention Flashforward is about to come on and I know I'm going to become ensnared in its intriguing web. I must admit to having a slight girly crush on John Cho, who plays Agent Demetri Noh. Cuuute.

Only 3 weeks until Sunset Knight is released! I think I'll have to start planning how to celebrate the day—starting to get ex-cited.



  1. Ooh I could so do with a Bourbon and Coke! My hubby is out too and I really should make the most of the evening to write but I feel a head ache coming on and it's not a state conducive to writing the sex scene I'm about to start!!!

  2. You are so amazing!! Hubby away AND planning on writing up a storm?? I wouldn't feel bad about the burbon at all :).

    Only 3 Weeks until Sunset Knight comes out??? Where did that time go? Am so looking forward to it.

    Cait :)

  3. Thanks guys.. I don't feel bad about my borderline alcoholism now.
