Sunday, 18 October 2009

Pimpin' Myself

The October issue of the Samhellion, Samhain Publishing’s newsletter, is out now, and this month it’s super good. Because I’m in it? Oh, I wouldn’t be so presumptuous. In honour of Halloween the theme this month is bad boys. As I thought Brody, while not a ghost, ghoul or vampire type, was a bad boy in the contemporary, your-mother-wouldn’t-approve kind of way, he’s been featured in a short piece of fiction you can access through the newsletter (follow the links to the October issue, then Loving the Bad Boy). The piece is now an excerpt, but an outtake, a scene that didn’t make it to the final version of the book when I had to tighten everything up—I rewrote it for the Samhellion. The newsletter also includes the recipe for Brody’s BBQ sauce, which has a supporting role in the finished novel. My Dad's recipe in actuality, and totally scrummy.

Just over two weeks until SK is released! I’ve been going through the book trying to pick out my favourite bits to offer up as sneak peeks. I like this bit. It’s right after Brody and Lana’s first kiss, and Brody shows that tact is not exactly his forte:

Lana brought her hand to her lips. They felt singed where Brody’s had been pressed against them a moment ago. “You kissed me.”
He pushed out a breath, sounding as stunned as she did. “Yeah.”
“I don’t know. I’ve been at sea for six months…. You look really good tonight. I guess it threw me.”

Way to charm the lady B!


1 comment:

  1. LOVE that quote and can't wait to get the book :) Also looking forward to trying the bbq sauce.

    Cait :)
