Sunday, 1 November 2009

That's One Megapussi

We’re getting to the pointy end of things, with Sunset Knight due to be released on Tuesday (late that night in Oz). Coincidentally, this is on Melbourne Cup day, so it’s a party day all round. I think I’ll run a competition, not sure exactly what yet. I think it might involve bare chested men, but surely that’s not a surprise.

It’s also the 1st of November today. This is Movember for some who choose to grow a mustache to raise money for The Prostate Cancer Foundation and Beyond Blue. Check out Personally I don’t mind a bit of a ‘stash on the right guy. I was a religious Magnum PI watcher. Go Tom. A bit of face fuzz also works for Johnny Depp, but then, what wouldn't work for Johnny Depp?

For the rest of us, meaning the crazy writer types among us, November means it’s Nanowrite time again. I’m not doing it exactly, which is to say I’m not signing up or planning to write 50,000 words. This November’s goal is to write every day for the month of November, even if it’s only 100 words some days. My intention is to get into a proper writing routine. Yes, that old bug bear. I can’t help but think if I just keep trying to write in a sensible, responsible manner it might grow on me. Stranger things have happened, like these translations, for instance. Enjoy.


  1. LOL at the pics! Like you've I'm not doing NaNo this year - couldn't handle the stress - but am aiming for AT LEAST 100 words per day. Think I might fail on Day one though! Can I start tomorrow?

  2. LOL, LOL. I want me a bottle of pet sweat. Mmm. Am in the same Nano boat as you but aiming for doing re-writes every day.

    Can't wait for Tuesday!!

    And so many thanks for the blog rating and your comment. Much appreciated. :)
